Welcome to Bicton & Oxon WI

We are a group of ladies who meet in the small village of Bicton, just outside Shrewsbury in Shropshire. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in Bicton Village Hall. (See our 'Contact' page for directions to Bicton Village Hall.)

Bicton & Oxon WI was founded in December, 1924 and we are enjoying our centenary celebrations this year. Each month, starting on 1st January with the 1920s, we are publishing an article from our archives, which you can read in our Centenary Blog.

We have and are involved in a wide range of activities – have a look below:

Members selecting cheese to buy from the Weird and Wonderful Cheese Company

We have 50 members and always welcome visitors and more members. We enjoy a variety of events and speakers throughout the year, accompanied by plenty of chat and refreshments! You are welcome to attend two of our meetings without commitment to join. The cost for visitors is £4 (cash only, please) which includes refreshments. Our raffle is 50p per ticket. We have a monthly trading stall and this year the proceeds will go to Severn Hospice.

Five of our members at Severn Hospice's Refresh café

Each month, our social secretary organises an afternoon catch-up for tea or coffee and cake at a local café. Sometimes we meet at Severn Hospice's Refresh Café, pictured above. Several of our members past and present, along with their families have benefitted from the hospice's care. Find out more on their website at https://www.severnhospice.org.uk/ 

Five of our ramblers at a winter walk, wrapped up warm and several wearing the woolly bobble hats knitted by member and secretary Christine

Every month on a Saturday morning - in most weather conditions - our walking group sets off for a hike. These alternate monthly between easy, fairly level walks around Shrewsbury and more challenging hikes up and down Shropshire's hills. In 2024 we introduced a monthly speed-walking group on different Saturday mornings in Shrewsbury's Quarry Park.

Six of our members tucking into a delicious Indian meal

Another new innovation for 2024 is our monthly Supper Club, usually held on a Tuesday evening. This originated as many of our members are working and couldn't make the afternoon Coffee Catch-ups. We had a very successful first night out at a nearby Indian restaurant (pictured) with 22 members and guests enjoying a delicious meal. This has been followed up with visits including a pub restaurant, a meal on the Sabrina river boat and back to the first Indian restaurant.

Several of our members, seated around a table, hard at work at a silk scarf painting workshop

2024 is our Centenary year and we have been holding various workshops and events to raise funds for our centenary celebrations, including meeting up to create items to sell at a Christmas fair in the village hall, and two workshops, one making patchwork-covered boxes and the other a silk scarf painting workshop. We also have a trading stall at our monthly meeting and this year the proceeds will go to Severn Hospice. Our December competition for many years has been a wrapped gift suitable as a Christmas present for beneficiaries of a local charity.

Two of members with members from other Shropshire WIs at the Shropshire Archives

We are members of Shropshire Federation of WIs who organise many events throughout the year, including their annual meeting at Theatre Severn, concerts, walks, cultural visits, fashion shows and more. In April 2024 we hosted a very successful SFWI Spring Ramble around Bicton. Pictured is a visit to the Shropshire Archives. See https://www.wi-shropshire.co.uk/news-and-events/event-diary for more information.

31st January 2025 - New Year Party

A spread of delicious homemade food

Our annual bring-and-share party

Open to members and their guests.

Entertainment will be provided.

This website is designed to be fully accessible to all visitors. If you find a problem with accessibility, please send a message for the attention of Gillian, giving as much detail as possible via our contact page or in person at one of our meetings. Thank you.

© 2025 Bicton and Oxon WI 

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